add 35 language tiles

This commit is contained in:
Laurent Mazet 2020-05-18 08:32:49 +02:00
parent 3bc6978545
commit 221b66f641
50 changed files with 4154 additions and 49 deletions

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ endif
all: lang
@echo make board: build tiles board files
@echo make lang: build the translation files
@echo make eslint: use ESLint to check conformance against the coding style
@echo make start-dev-server: start a development server
@ -20,6 +21,9 @@ help:
public/l10n/js/fr.js: $(wildcard l10n/po/*/*.po)
cd l10n; make
cd l10n; make board
lang: public/l10n/js/fr.js

l10n/Lettres_du_Scrabble Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,802 @@
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<div id="mw-content-text" lang="fr" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"><div class="mw-parser-output"><p>Au jeu <a href="/wiki/Scrabble" title="Scrabble">Scrabble</a>, chaque <a href="/wiki/Langue" title="Langue">langue</a> dispose d'une distribution des lettres différente, en nombre et en valeur, selon la fréquence d'utilisation des lettres pour chaque langue.
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<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-21"><a href="#Islandais"><span class="tocnumber">21</span> <span class="toctext">Islandais</span></a></li>
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<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-23"><a href="#Latin"><span class="tocnumber">23</span> <span class="toctext">Latin</span></a></li>
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<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-25"><a href="#Lituanien"><span class="tocnumber">25</span> <span class="toctext">Lituanien</span></a></li>
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<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-30"><a href="#Portugais"><span class="tocnumber">30</span> <span class="toctext">Portugais</span></a></li>
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<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-34"><a href="#Slovène"><span class="tocnumber">34</span> <span class="toctext">Slovène</span></a></li>
<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-35"><a href="#Suédois"><span class="tocnumber">35</span> <span class="toctext">Suédois</span></a></li>
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<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-38"><a href="#Ukrainien"><span class="tocnumber">38</span> <span class="toctext">Ukrainien</span></a></li>
<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-39"><a href="#Notes_et_références"><span class="tocnumber">39</span> <span class="toctext">Notes et références</span></a></li>
<li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-40"><a href="#Voir_aussi"><span class="tocnumber">40</span> <span class="toctext">Voir aussi</span></a>
<li class="toclevel-2 tocsection-41"><a href="#Lien_externe"><span class="tocnumber">40.1</span> <span class="toctext">Lien externe</span></a></li>
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Afrikaans">Afrikaans</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=1" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Afrikaans">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=1" title="Modifier la section : Afrikaans">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Afrikaans" title="Afrikaans">afrikaans</a>, il y a 102 jetons (<b>C</b> et <b>Q</b> n'existent pas. Le <b>X</b> et le <b>Z</b> sont également absents car peu utilisés mais le joker peut servir à les remplacer).
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>: <b>E</b> <small>×16</small>, <b>A</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>D</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×6</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>: <b>G</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>: <b>K</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>W</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>: <b>M</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Y</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>: <b>P</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>: <b>B</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>F</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>: <b>J</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Allemand">Allemand</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=2" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Allemand">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=2" title="Modifier la section : Allemand">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Allemand" title="Allemand">allemand</a>, il y a 102 jetons&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>E</b> <small>×15</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>A</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>D</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>H</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>M</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>B</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>W</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>&#160;: <b>C</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>F</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>K</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>6 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ä</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>J</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ü</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ö</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>X</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>&#160;: <b>Q</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Y</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<p>Le <a href="/wiki/%C3%9F" class="mw-redirect" title="ß">ß</a> <i>(Eszett)</i> est absent, car il n'existe pas en lettre capitale. Même si un ß majuscule a été créé en <a href="/wiki/Unicode" title="Unicode">Unicode</a>, celui-ci est remplacé par SS selon l'orthographe allemande en majuscules (par exemple, <i>Straße</i> devient <i>STRASSE</i>). A contrario, les lettres <b>Ä</b>, <b>Ö</b> et <b>Ü</b> ne peuvent pas être remplacées par <b>AE</b>, <b>OE</b> ou <b>UE</b>. Les autres diacritiques sont ignorés (é = <b>E</b>, œ = <b>OE</b> etc.)
</p><p>Avant 1990, il y avait 119 jetons (les joueurs jouaient avec 8 lettres au lieu de 7 comme actuellement)&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>E</b> <small>×16</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×10</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>A</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>D</b> <small>×6</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>H</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>W</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>C</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>M</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>B</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>K</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>F</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>&#160;: <b>P</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ü</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>6 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ä</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>J</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ö</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>X</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>&#160;: <b>Q</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Y</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Anglais">Anglais</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=3" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Anglais">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=3" title="Modifier la section : Anglais">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<div class="bandeau-container bandeau-section bandeau-niveau-information plainlinks"><div class="bandeau-cell bandeau-icone-css general" style="display:table-cell;padding-right:0.5em">Pour un article plus général, voir <a href="/wiki/Scrabble_anglophone" title="Scrabble anglophone">Scrabble anglophone</a>.
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Anglais" title="Anglais">anglais</a>, il y a 100 jetons. La distribution n'a jamais été modifiée depuis qu'<a href="/wiki/Alfred_Mosher_Butts" title="Alfred Mosher Butts">Alfred Mosher Butts</a> a créé le jeu en <a href="/wiki/1938" title="1938">1938</a>&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small> (appelés <i>blanks</i>)</li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>E</b> <small>×12</small>, <b>A</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>D</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>B</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>C</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>&#160;: <b>F</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>W</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Y</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>&#160;: <b>K</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>J</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>X</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>&#160;: <b>Q</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<p>En 2004, le Super-Scrabble est un nouveau produit vendu sous licence de Mattel, qui comprend 200 jetons (équivalent à deux distributions standard).
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Arabe">Arabe</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=4" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Arabe">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=4" title="Modifier la section : Arabe">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Arabe" title="Arabe">arabe</a>, il y a 100 jetons&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>: <b></b> (alif) <small>×8</small>, <b>ﻝ</b> (lam) <small>×4</small>, <b>ﺝ</b> (jim) <small>×4</small>, <b>ح</b> (ha) <small>×3</small>, <b>ﺥ</b> (kha) <small>×3</small>, <b>ﻡ</b> (mim) <small>×3</small>, <b>ﻥ</b> (nun) <small>×3</small>, <b></b> (ha) <small>×3</small>, <b>ﻭ</b> (waw) <small>×3</small>, <b>ﻯ</b> (ya) <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>: <b>ﺏ</b> (ba) <small>×4</small>, <b>ﺭ</b> (ra) <small>×3</small>, <b>ﺯ</b> (zay) <small>×3</small>, <b>ﺕ</b> (ta) <small>×4</small>, <b>ﺩ</b> (dal) <small>×3</small>, <b>ﺫ</b> (dhal) <small>×3</small>, <b>ﺱ</b> (sin) <small>×3</small>, <b>ﺵ</b> (chin) <small>×3</small>, <b>ﺙ</b> (tha) <small>×3</small>, <b>ﻑ</b> (fa) <small>×3</small>, <b>ﻕ</b> (qa) <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>: <b>ﺹ</b> (sad) <small>×3</small>, <b>ﺽ</b> (dad) <small>×3</small>, <b>ﻉ</b> (ayn) <small>×3</small>, <b>ﻙ</b> (kaf) <small>×3</small>, <b>ﻁ</b> (ta) <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>: <b>ﻅ</b> (dha) <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>6 points</i>: <b>ئ</b> (ya hamza) <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>: <b>ﻍ</b> (ghayn) <small>×2</small>, <b>ء</b> (hamza) <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>: <b>أ</b> (alif hamza) <small>×2</small> , <b>ؤ</b> (waw hamza) <small>×2</small></li></ul>
<p>Les lettres arabes peuvent avoir jusqu'à quatre formes selon qu'elles sont en début, milieu ou fin de mot ou bien utilisées isolément. Le Scrabble n'utilise que la forme isolée à l'instar des mots croisés en arabe.
<h2><span id="Arm.C3.A9nien"></span><span class="mw-headline" id="Arménien">Arménien</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=5" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Arménien">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=5" title="Modifier la section : Arménien">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>L'<a href="/wiki/Alphabet_arm%C3%A9nien" title="Alphabet arménien">alphabet arménien</a> compte 38 caractères et le jeu en <a href="/wiki/Arm%C3%A9nien" title="Arménien">arménien</a> ne compte pas moins de 146 jetons. Le jeu s'appelle <b>ԲԱՈ ԽԱՆ</b> (<i>bao khagh</i>, soit littéralement <i>jeu de mots</i>) et n'est pas une édition officielle de Mattel.
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>: <b>Joker</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>: <b>Ա</b> (ayb) <small>×18</small>, <b>Ե</b> (yech) <small>×10</small>, <b>Ի</b> (ini) <small>×10</small>, <b>Կ</b> (ken) <small>×7</small>, <b>Ն</b> (nu) <small>×7</small>, <b>Ո</b> (vo) <small>×8</small>, <b>Ս</b> (seh) <small>×6</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>: <b>Է</b> (eh) <small>×4</small>, <b>Հ</b> (ho) <small>×4</small>, <b>Մ</b> (men) <small>×4</small>, <b>Յ</b> (yi) <small>×4</small>, <b>Պ</b> (peh) <small>×4</small>, <b>Տ</b> (tioun) <small>×5</small>, <b>Ր</b> (reh) <small>×5</small>, <b>Ւ</b> (hioun) <small>×5</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>: <b>Բ</b> (ben) <small>×3</small>, <b>Գ</b> (gim) <small>×3</small>, <b>Դ</b> (da) <small>×3</small>, <b>Լ</b> (lioun) <small>×4</small>, <b>Վ</b> (vew) <small>×2</small>, <b>Ք</b> (k'eh) <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>: <b>Խ</b> (kheh) <small>×2</small>, <b>Շ</b> (sha) <small>×2</small>, <b>Ռ</b> (rra) <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>: <b>Թ</b> (t'o) <small>×2</small>, <b>Ծ</b> (tsa) <small>×2</small>, <b>Ղ</b> (ghat) <small>×2</small>, <b>Ց</b> (c'o) <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>6 points</i>: <b>Զ</b> (za) <small>×1</small>, <b>Ճ</b> (cheh) <small>×1</small>, <b>Չ</b> (ch'a) <small>×1</small>, <b>Ջ</b> (jneh) <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>: <b>Ժ</b> (zhe) <small>×1</small>, <b>Ձ</b> (dza) <small>×1</small>, <b>Փ</b> (p'iour) <small>×1</small>, <b>Օ</b> (o) <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>: <b>Ը</b> (ët') <small>×1</small>, <b>Ֆ</b> (feh) <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Basque">Basque</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=6" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Basque">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=6" title="Modifier la section : Basque">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>L'édition basque du jeu de Scrabble compte 100 jetons. Appelé Euskarbel, ce n'est pas une édition officielle de Mattel.
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>A</b> <small>×14</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×12</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×6</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>K</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×5</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>D</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>&#160;: <b>B</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>&#160;: <b>G</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>J</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>RR</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>TS</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>TX</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>TZ</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>&#160;: <b>F</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>X</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<p>Les lettres <b>C</b>, <b>Ç</b>, <b>Ñ</b>, <b>Q</b>, <b>V</b>, <b>W</b> et <b>Y</b>, présents en basque uniquement dans les mots empruntés à d'autres langues, ne figurent pas dans la distribution des lettres.
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Bulgare">Bulgare</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=7" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Bulgare">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=7" title="Modifier la section : Bulgare">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>Il y a 102 jetons en <a href="/wiki/Bulgare" title="Bulgare">bulgare</a>, qui emploie l'<a href="/wiki/Alphabet_cyrillique" title="Alphabet cyrillique">alphabet cyrillique</a>&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>: <b>Joker</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>: <b>А</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>О</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>Е</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>И</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>Т</b> <small>×5,</small> <b>Н</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>П</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>Р</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>С</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>: <b>В</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>М</b> <small>×4,</small> <b>Б</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>Д</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>К</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>Л</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>: <b>Г</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>Ъ</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>: <b>Ж</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>З</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>: <b>У</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>Ч</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Я</b> <small>×2,</small> <b>Й</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Х</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>: <b>Ц</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ш</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ю</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>: <b>Ф</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Щ</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ь</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Catalan">Catalan</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=8" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Catalan">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=8" title="Modifier la section : Catalan">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<div class="thumb tright"><div class="thumbinner" style="width:222px;"><a href="/wiki/Fichier:Catalan_Scrabble_tiles.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="220" class="thumbimage" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="1000" data-file-height="999" /></a> <div class="thumbcaption"><div class="magnify"><a href="/wiki/Fichier:Catalan_Scrabble_tiles.jpg" class="internal" title="Agrandir"></a></div>Les 100 lettres en catalan</div></div></div>
<p>Les jetons en <a href="/wiki/Catalan" title="Catalan">catalan</a>&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>E</b> <small>×13</small>, <b>A</b> <small>×12</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>C</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>D</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>B</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>&#160;: <b>F</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>H</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>J</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Q</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ç</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>L·L</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>NY</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>X</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Croate">Croate</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=9" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Croate">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=9" title="Modifier la section : Croate">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>Il y a 103 jetons en <a href="/wiki/Croate" title="Croate">croate</a>&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>: <b>A</b> <small>×11</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×10</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>J</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>: <b>K</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>: <b>D</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>B</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Č</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>: <b>C</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>LJ</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>NJ</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Š</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ž</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>: <b>Ć</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>: <b>F</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>: <b>DŽ</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Đ</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<p><b>Q</b>, <b>W</b>, <b>X</b> et <b>Y</b> ne sont pas utilisés en croate.
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Danois">Danois</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=10" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Danois">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=10" title="Modifier la section : Danois">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Danois" title="Danois">danois</a>, il y a 100 jetons&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>: <b>E</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>A</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×6</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>: <b>D</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×5</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>: <b>B</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>K</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>F</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>: <b>H</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>J</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Y</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Æ</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Ø</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Å</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>: <b>C</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>X</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<p><b>Q</b> et <b>W</b> sont rares en <a href="/wiki/Danois" title="Danois">danois</a> et non inclus dans la distribution.
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Espagnol">Espagnol</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=11" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Espagnol">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=11" title="Modifier la section : Espagnol">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<div class="thumb tright"><div class="thumbinner" style="width:222px;"><a href="/wiki/Fichier:Scrabble_completado.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="192" class="thumbimage" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="385" data-file-height="336" /></a> <div class="thumbcaption"><div class="magnify"><a href="/wiki/Fichier:Scrabble_completado.jpg" class="internal" title="Agrandir"></a></div>Une partie en espagnol</div></div></div>
<p>Il y a 100 jetons en <a href="/wiki/Espagnol" title="Espagnol">espagnol</a> (<a href="/wiki/Castillan" class="mw-redirect" title="Castillan">castillan</a>). Il existe des jetons pour les digraphes <b>CH</b>, <b>RR</b> et <b>LL</b>, qu'on ne peut former à l'aide de lettres distinctes (voir <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Règles du jeu</a>).
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small> (appelés en espagnol <i>comodines</i>, au singulier <i>comodin</i>)</li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>A</b> <small>×12</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×12</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×5,</small> <b>L</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>D</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>C</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>B</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>&#160;: <b>H</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>F</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Y</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>&#160;: <b>CH</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Q</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>J</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>LL</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ñ</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>RR</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>X</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>&#160;: <b>Z</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<p>Les lettres <b>K</b> et <b>W</b>, présents en espagnol uniquement dans les mots empruntés à d'autres langues, ne figurent pas dans la distribution des lettres.
</p><p>Les jeux en espagnol vendus en Amérique du Nord par <a href="/wiki/Hasbro" title="Hasbro">Hasbro</a> utilisent 103 jetons&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>: <b>A</b> <small>×11</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×11</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>: <b>C</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>D</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>: <b>B</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>: <b>F</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Y</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>6 points</i>: <b>J</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>: <b>K</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>LL</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ñ</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Q</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>RR</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>W</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>X</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>: <b>Z</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span id="Esp.C3.A9ranto"></span><span class="mw-headline" id="Espéranto">Espéranto</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=12" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Espéranto">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=12" title="Modifier la section : Espéranto">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Esp%C3%A9ranto" title="Espéranto">espéranto</a> il y a 100 jetons (<b>Q</b>, <b>W</b>, <b>X</b> et <b>Y</b> ne sont pas utilisés)&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>A</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×4,</small> <b>T</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>K</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>D</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>J</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>F</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Ĝ</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>&#160;: <b>B</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Ĉ</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>C</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ŝ</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>&#160;: <b>Z</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>H</b> <small>×1,</small> <b>Ŭ</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ĥ</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ĵ</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<p>Le Scrabble en espéranto n'existe que sur Internet (<a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Règles du Scrabble en espéranto</a>) et il n'existe pas de version commercialisée officiellement.
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Estonien">Estonien</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=13" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Estonien">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=13" title="Modifier la section : Estonien">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Estonien" title="Estonien">estonien</a> il y a 102 jetons (<b>C</b>, <b>Q</b>, <b>W</b>, <b>X</b> et <b>Y</b> ne sont pas utilisés)&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small> (appelés en estonien <i>tühi</i>)</li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>A</b> <small>×10</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>K</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×5</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>D</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>G</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>&#160;: <b>B</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>J</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Õ</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ä</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Ü</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>6 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ö</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>F</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>&#160;: <b>Š</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ž</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Finnois">Finnois</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=14" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Finnois">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=14" title="Modifier la section : Finnois">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Finnois" title="Finnois">finnois</a>, il y a 100 jetons&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>: <b>A</b> <small>×10</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×10</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×7</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>: <b>K</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>Ä</b> <small>×5</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>: <b>U</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>: <b>H</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>J</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Y</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>7 points</i>: <b>D</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ö</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>: <b>B</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>F</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>: <b>C</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span id="Fran.C3.A7ais"></span><span class="mw-headline" id="Français">Français</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=15" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Français">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=15" title="Modifier la section : Français">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<div class="bandeau-container bandeau-section bandeau-niveau-information plainlinks"><div class="bandeau-cell bandeau-icone-css general" style="display:table-cell;padding-right:0.5em">Pour un article plus général, voir <a href="/wiki/Scrabble_francophone" title="Scrabble francophone">Scrabble francophone</a>.
<div class="thumb tright"><div class="thumbinner" style="width:252px;"><a href="/wiki/Fichier:Scrabfr1.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src="//" decoding="async" width="250" height="158" class="thumbimage" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="1021" data-file-height="644" /></a> <div class="thumbcaption"><div class="magnify"><a href="/wiki/Fichier:Scrabfr1.jpg" class="internal" title="Agrandir"></a></div>Une partie en <a href="/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ais" title="Français">français</a>.</div></div></div>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ais" title="Français">français</a>, il y a 102 jetons (dans la première édition du jeu, il n'y avait pas de jokers, et le jeu ne contenait donc que 100 jetons). Les <a href="/wiki/Diacritique" title="Diacritique">diacritiques</a> ne sont pas pris en compte&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small> (appelés en français <i>jokers</i> ou <i>lettres blanches</i>)</li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>E</b> <small>×15</small>, <b>A</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×5</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>D</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>B</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>C</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>&#160;: <b>F</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>J</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Q</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>&#160;: <b>K</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>W</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>X</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Y</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Gallois">Gallois</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=16" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Gallois">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=16" title="Modifier la section : Gallois">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Gallois" title="Gallois">gallois</a>, il y a 105 jetons (pas de <b>K</b>, <b>Q</b>, <b>V</b>, <b>X</b>, <b>Z</b>)&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>: <b>A</b> <small>×10</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>Y</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>D</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>W</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>DD</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>: <b>F</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>: <b>S</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>B</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>: <b>C</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>FF</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>TH</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>: <b>CH</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>LL</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>: <b>J</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>: <b>NG</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>RH</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<p>Il n'est pas permis de constituer un digraphe avec deux lettres. Le digraphe <b>PH</b> est absent car présent quasi exclusivement dans des mots mutés (non jouables selon les règles).
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Grec">Grec</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=17" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Grec">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=17" title="Modifier la section : Grec">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Alphabet_grec" title="Alphabet grec">grec</a>, il y a 104 jetons&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>Α</b> (alpha) <small>x12</small>, <b>Ε</b> (epsilon) <small>x8</small>, <b>Ι</b> (iota) <small>x8</small>, <b>Τ</b> (tau) <small>x8,</small> <b>Η</b> (êta) <small>x7</small>, <b>Σ</b> (sigma) <small>x7</small>, <b>Ν</b> (nu) <small>x6</small>, <b>Ο</b> (omicron) <small>x6</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>Κ</b> (kappa) <small>x4</small>, <b>Π</b> (pi) <small>x4</small>, <b>Ρ</b> (rhô) <small>x5</small>, <b>Υ</b> (upsilon) <small>x4</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>Λ</b> (lambda) <small>x3</small>, <b>Μ</b> (mu) <small>x3</small>, <b>Ω</b> (oméga) <small>x3</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>&#160;: <b>Γ</b> (gamma) <small>x2</small>, <b>Δ</b> (delta) <small>x2</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>Β</b> (bêta) <small>x1</small>, <b>Φ</b> (phi) <small>x1</small>, <b>Χ</b> (khi) <small>x1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ζ</b> (zêta) <small>x1</small>, <b>Θ</b> (thêta) <small>x1</small>, <b>Ξ</b> (xi) <small>x1</small>, <b>Ψ</b> (psi) <small>x1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span id="H.C3.A9breu"></span><span class="mw-headline" id="Hébreu">Hébreu</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=18" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Hébreu">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=18" title="Modifier la section : Hébreu">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/H%C3%A9breu" title="Hébreu">hébreu</a>, il y a 104 jetons dans la version officielle (celle de <a href="/wiki/Mattel" title="Mattel">Mattel</a>). Il existe aussi une version <a href="/wiki/Hasbro" title="Hasbro">Hasbro</a> disponible en Amérique du Nord avec quelques variantes dans les fréquences et valeurs&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>ו</b> (vav) <small>x12</small>, <b>י</b> (yod) <small>x10</small>, <b>ת</b> (tav) <small>x9,</small> <b>ה</b> (heh) <small>x8</small>, <b>ר</b> (resh) <small>x8</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>א</b> (aleph) <small>x6</small>, <b>ל</b> (lamed) <small>x6</small>, <b>מ</b> (mem) <small>x6</small>, <b>ש</b> (shin/sin) <small>x6</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>ד</b> (dalet) <small>x4</small>, <b>נ</b> (noun) <small>x4</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>&#160;: <b>ב</b> (beth/veth) <small>x4</small>, <b>ח</b> (khet) <small>x3</small>, <b>פ</b> (peh/feh) <small>x3</small>, <b>ק</b> (qof) <small>x3</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>&#160;: <b>ג</b> (guimel) <small>x2</small>, <b>כ</b> (kaf/khaf) <small>x2</small>, <b>ע</b> ('ayin) <small>x2</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>ז</b> (zayin) <small>x1</small>, <b>ט</b> (thet) <small>x1</small>, <b>ס</b> (samekh) <small>x1</small>, <b>צ</b> (tsadé) <small>x1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Hongrois">Hongrois</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=19" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Hongrois">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=19" title="Modifier la section : Hongrois">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Hongrois" title="Hongrois">hongrois</a>, il y a 100 jetons (pas de <b>Q</b>, <b>W</b>, <b>X</b>, <b>Y</b> présents uniquement dans des mots empruntés)&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>: <b>A</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>K</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>Á</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>: <b>B</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>D</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>Ó</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>: <b>É</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>SZ</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>: <b>F</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>GY</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>J</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Ö</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Ü</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>: <b>C</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Í</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>NY</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>7 points</i>: <b>CS</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ő</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ú</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ű</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>: <b>LY</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>ZS</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>: <b>TY</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<p>Les lettres <b>DZ</b> et <b>DZS</b>, rares, ne sont pas représentées.
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Irlandais">Irlandais</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=20" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Irlandais">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=20" title="Modifier la section : Irlandais">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Irlandais" title="Irlandais">irlandais</a>, il y a 100 jetons&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>: <b>A</b> <small>×13</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×10</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×10</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×6</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>: <b>C</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>D</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>: <b>F</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Á</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Í</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>: <b>É</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ó</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ú</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>: <b>B</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Islandais">Islandais</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=21" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Islandais">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=21" title="Modifier la section : Islandais">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Islandais" title="Islandais">islandais</a>, il y a 104 jetons (pas de <b>C</b>, <b>Q</b>, <b>W</b>, <b>Z</b>)&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>A</b> <small>×10</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×6,</small> <b>T</b> <small>×5</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ð</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>K</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>F</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>&#160;: <b>Á</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>D</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Í</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Þ</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>&#160;: <b>J</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Æ</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>6 points</i>&#160;: <b>B</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>É</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ó</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>7 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ö</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Y</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>P</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ú</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>9 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ý</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>&#160;: <b>X</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Italien">Italien</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=22" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Italien">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=22" title="Modifier la section : Italien">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Italien" title="Italien">italien</a>, il y a 120 jetons (<b>J</b>, <b>K</b>, <b>W</b>, <b>X</b>, <b>Y</b> sont absents, mais peuvent être représentées par un joker, appelé <i>jolly</i>). Les <a href="/wiki/Diacritique" title="Diacritique">diacritiques</a> ne sont pas pris en compte&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Jolly</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>O</b> <small>×15,</small> <b>A</b> <small>×14</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×12,</small> <b>E</b> <small>×11</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>C</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×6</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>L</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>N</b> <small>x5</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×5</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>&#160;: <b>B</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>D</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>F</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>V</b> <small>x3</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>G</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>&#160;: <b>Q</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Latin">Latin</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=23" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Latin">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=23" title="Modifier la section : Latin">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Latin" title="Latin">latin</a>, il y a 100 jetons (<b>J</b> et <b>U</b>, non distingués de <b>I</b> et <b>V</b>, et <b>W</b>, inexistant en latin classique, sont absents, de même que les lettres <b>K</b>, <b>Y</b> et <b>Z</b>, relativement rares dans cette langue) :
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>: <b>E</b> <small>×12</small>, <b>A</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×5</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>: <b>C</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>D</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>: <b>Q</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>: <b>B</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>X</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>: <b>F</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<p>Le Scrabble en latin est commercialisé par Tinderbox Games. La distribution des lettres a été déterminée par le Centre d'études médiévales de l'université de Toronto.
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Letton">Letton</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=24" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Letton">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=24" title="Modifier la section : Letton">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Letton" title="Letton">letton</a>, il y a 104 jetons<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1"><span class="cite_crochet">[</span>1<span class="cite_crochet">]</span></a></sup>(pas de <b>Q</b>, <b>W</b>, <b>X</b>, <b>Y</b>) :
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li>1 point: <b>A</b> <small>×11</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×5</small></li>
<li>2 points: <b>Ā</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>K</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li>3 points: <b>D</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li>4 points: <b>Ē</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Ī</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>J</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li>5 points: <b>B</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>C</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li>6 points: <b>Ņ</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Š</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ū</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li>8 points: <b>Ļ</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ž</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li>10 points: <b>Č</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>F</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ģ</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ķ</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Lituanien">Lituanien</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=25" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Lituanien">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=25" title="Modifier la section : Lituanien">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Lituanien" title="Lituanien">lituanien</a> (le jeu est connu sous le nom de KrisKros Klasik), il y a 104 jetons&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>: <b>I</b> <small>×11</small>, <b>A</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>Ą</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>: <b>K</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>D</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>B</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Ę</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>: <b>Ė</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Š</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Ų</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>: <b>J</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Į</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ž</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>: <b>Ū</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>6 points</i>: <b>Y</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>7 points</i>: <b>C</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Č</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>: <b>F</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Malais">Malais</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=26" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Malais">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=26" title="Modifier la section : Malais">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Malais_(langue)" title="Malais (langue)">malais</a>, il y a 100 jetons (pas de <b>Q</b>, <b>V</b>, <b>X</b>)&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>A</b> <small>×19</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>K</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×6,</small> <b>M</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×5</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>L</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>G</b> <small>×4,</small> <b>B</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>D</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>&#160;: <b>H</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>&#160;: <b>J</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Y</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>C</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>W</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>&#160;: <b>F</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span id="N.C3.A9erlandais"></span><span class="mw-headline" id="Néerlandais">Néerlandais</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=27" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Néerlandais">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=27" title="Modifier la section : Néerlandais">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/N%C3%A9erlandais" title="Néerlandais">néerlandais</a>, il y a 102 jetons&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>E</b> <small>×18</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×10</small>, <b>A</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>D</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>G</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>K</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>B</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>&#160;: <b>U</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>J</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>IJ</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>F</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>&#160;: <b>C</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>W</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>X</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Y</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>&#160;: <b>Q</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<p>Jusqu'en <time class="nowrap" datetime="1998-03" data-sort-value="1998-03">mars 1998</time>, il y avait une différence entre les versions flamande et néerlandaise du jeu&#160;: la version néerlandaise avait 2 <b>IJ</b> d'une valeur de 4 points, un seul <b>F</b> et seulement quatre <b>S</b> et le <b>G</b> valait seulement 2 points. La version flamande n'avait pas de <b>IJ</b>. La version néerlandaise est maintenant identique et <b>IJ</b> est obtenu en combinant un <b>I</b> et un <b>J</b>.
<h2><span id="Norv.C3.A9gien"></span><span class="mw-headline" id="Norvégien">Norvégien</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=28" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Norvégien">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=28" title="Modifier la section : Norvégien">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Norv%C3%A9gien" title="Norvégien">norvégien</a>, il y a 100 jetons (<b>Q</b>, <b>X</b> et <b>Z</b> n'existent pas)&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>E</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>A</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×6,</small> <b>D</b> <small>×5,</small> <b>I</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×5</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>F</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>K</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×4,</small> <b>M</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>H</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>&#160;: <b>B</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>J</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Å</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ø</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>6 points</i>&#160;: <b>Y</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Æ</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>W</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>&#160;: <b>C</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Polonais">Polonais</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=29" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Polonais">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=29" title="Modifier la section : Polonais">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Polonais" title="Polonais">polonais</a>, il y a 100 jetons&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>A</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>W</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>Y</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>C</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>D</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>K</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>B</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>J</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Ł</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ą</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ę</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>F</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ó</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ś</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ż</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>6 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ć</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>7 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ń</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>9 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ź</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<p>Cette distribution est en usage depuis 2000 (auparavant, le <b>Ź</b> valait 7 points et le <b>F</b> 4 points, il y avait 2 <b>F</b> et 8 <b>A</b>). Les lettres <b>Q</b>, <b>V</b> et <b>X</b> sont absentes et les jokers ne peuvent pas être utilisés pour les remplacer.
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Portugais">Portugais</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=30" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Portugais">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=30" title="Modifier la section : Portugais">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Portugais" title="Portugais">portugais</a>, il y a 120 jetons (pas de <b>K</b>, <b>W</b>, <b>Y</b> mais il existe un <b>Ç</b>)&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>A</b> <small>×14</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×10</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×10</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×5</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>C</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×4,</small> <b>D</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×5</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>N</b> <small>×4,</small> <b>B</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>Ç</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>&#160;: <b>F</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>&#160;: <b>J</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>6 points</i>&#160;: <b>Q</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>X</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<p>Le <a href="/wiki/Portugais" title="Portugais">portugais</a> est une des seules distributions qui comprend plus de deux jokers.
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Roumain">Roumain</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=31" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Roumain">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=31" title="Modifier la section : Roumain">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Roumain" title="Roumain">roumain</a>, il y a 100 jetons. (pas de <b>K</b>, <b>Q</b>, <b>W</b>, <b>Y</b>) Les <a href="/wiki/Diacritique" title="Diacritique">diacritiques</a> ne sont pas pris compte, par exemple <b>Ă</b> et <b>Â</b> sont considérés comme <b>A</b>.
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small> (appelés en roumain <i>jokeri</i>, au singulier <i>joker</i>)</li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>A</b> <small>×11</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×10</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>C</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>D</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>&#160;: <b>M</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>F</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>9 points</i>&#160;: <b>B</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>&#160;: <b>H</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>J</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>X</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Russe">Russe</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=32" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Russe">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=32" title="Modifier la section : Russe">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Russe" title="Russe">russe</a>, l'ancienne version comptait 126 jetons&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>О</b> <small>×11</small>, <b>Е</b> <small>×10</small>, <b>И</b> <small>×10</small>, <b>А</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>Н</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>Р</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>Т</b> <small>×6,</small> <b>В</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>С</b> <small>×5</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>Д</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>К</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>Л</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>М</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>П</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>У</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>Я</b> <small>×4,</small> <b>Б</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>Г</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>Ë</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>Ь</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>&#160;: <b>Й</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Ы</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ж</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>З</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Х</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ц</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ч</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ш</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Э</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ю</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ф</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Щ</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ъ</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<p>La version commercialisée depuis 1990 n'en compte plus que 104&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>&#160;: <b>О</b> <small>×10</small>, <b>А</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>Е</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>И</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>Н</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>Р</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>С</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>Т</b> <small>×5,</small> <b>В</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>&#160;: <b>Д</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>К</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>Л</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>П</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>У</b> <small>×4,</small> <b>М</b> <small>×3</small>,</li>
<li><i>3 points</i>&#160;: <b>Б</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Г</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Ь</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Я</b> <small>×2,</small> <b>Ë</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ы</b> <small>×2,</small> <b>Й</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>&#160;: <b>З</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Ж</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Х</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ц</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ч</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ш</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Э</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ю</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>&#160;: <b>Ф</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Щ</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ъ</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Slovaque">Slovaque</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=33" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Slovaque">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=33" title="Modifier la section : Slovaque">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Slovaque" title="Slovaque">slovaque</a>, il y a 100 jetons&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>: <b>A</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>: <b>M</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>D</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>K</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>: <b>J</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>: <b>B</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Y</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Á</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>C</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>: <b>Č</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ž</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Š</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Í</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ý</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>7 points</i>: <b>Ľ</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ť</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>É</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ú</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>: <b>Ď</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>F</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ň</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ô</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>: <b>Ĺ</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ŕ</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>X</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ä</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ó</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span id="Slov.C3.A8ne"></span><span class="mw-headline" id="Slovène">Slovène</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=34" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Slovène">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=34" title="Modifier la section : Slovène">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Slov%C3%A8ne" title="Slovène">slovène</a>, il y a 100 jetons&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>: <b>E</b> <small>×11</small>, <b>A</b> <small>×10</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×9</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>J</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>: <b>D</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×4</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>: <b>K</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>: <b>B</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>: <b>Č</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>6 points</i>: <b>Š</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>: <b>C</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>: <b>F</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ž</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span id="Su.C3.A9dois"></span><span class="mw-headline" id="Suédois">Suédois</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=35" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Suédois">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=35" title="Modifier la section : Suédois">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<div class="thumb tright"><div class="thumbinner" style="width:222px;"><a href="/wiki/Fichier:Swedish_scrabble_tiles.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="220" class="thumbimage" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="605" data-file-height="605" /></a> <div class="thumbcaption"><div class="magnify"><a href="/wiki/Fichier:Swedish_scrabble_tiles.jpg" class="internal" title="Agrandir"></a></div>Un jeu de Scrabble suédois.</div></div></div>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Su%C3%A9dois" title="Suédois">suédois</a> (le jeu a longtemps été commercialisé sous le nom d'Alfapet), il y a 100 jetons (pas de <b>Q</b> ni <b>W</b>)&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>: <b>A</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×8</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>D</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×5</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>: <b>O</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>K</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>: <b>Ä</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>F</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>: <b>U</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>B</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Ö</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Å</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>7 points</i>: <b>J</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Y</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>: <b>C</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>X</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>: <b>Z</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<p>Les lettres <b>Å</b>, <b>Ä</b> et <b>Ö</b> sont représentées alors que d'autres lettres avec diacritiques sont ignorées, telles que <b>É</b> et <b>Ü</b> (présent dans un seul mot en 2010). Le <b>Q</b> et le <b>W</b> rares en suédois, sont absents mais peuvent être remplacés par un joker, de même que le digraphe <b>Æ</b> (présent dans trois mots en 2010).
<h2><span id="Tch.C3.A8que"></span><span class="mw-headline" id="Tchèque">Tchèque</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=36" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Tchèque">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=36" title="Modifier la section : Tchèque">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>Il y a 100 jetons en <a href="/wiki/Tch%C3%A8que" title="Tchèque">tchèque</a>&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li>1 point: <b>O</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>A</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>I</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>D</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>K</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>: <b>C</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>H</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>Í</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>Á</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>J</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Y</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>: <b>B</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>É</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Ě</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>: <b>Ř</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Š</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Ý</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Č</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ů</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ž</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>: <b>F</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ú</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>6 points</i>: <b>Ň</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>7 points</i>: <b>Ó</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ť</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>: <b>Ď</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>: <b>X</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Turc">Turc</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=37" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Turc">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=37" title="Modifier la section : Turc">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>En <a href="/wiki/Turc" title="Turc">turc</a>, il y a 100 jetons&#160;:
<ul><li><i>0 point</i>&#160;: <b>Joker</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>1 point</i>: <b>A</b> <small>×12</small>, <b>E</b> <small>×8</small>, İ <small>×7</small>, <b>K</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>L</b> <small>×7</small>, <b>R</b> <small>×6</small>, <b>N</b> <small>×5</small>, <b>T</b> <small>×5</small></li>
<li><i>2 points</i>: <b>I</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>M</b> <small>×4</small>, <b>O</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>S</b> <small>×3</small>, <b>U</b> <small>×3</small></li>
<li><i>3 points</i>: <b>B</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>D</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Y</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Ü</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>4 points</i>: <b>C</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Ş</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Z</b> <small>×2</small>, <b>Ç</b> <small>×2</small></li>
<li><i>5 points</i>: <b>H</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>P</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>G</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>7 points</i>: <b>F</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>V</b> <small>×1</small>, <b>Ö</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>8 points</i>: <b>Ğ</b> <small>×1</small></li>
<li><i>10 points</i>: <b>J</b> <small>×1</small></li></ul>
<p>Les lettres <b>Q</b>, <b>W</b> et <b>X</b> ne sont pas utilisées en turc.
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Ukrainien">Ukrainien</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=38" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Ukrainien">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=38" title="Modifier la section : Ukrainien">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
<p>La version officielle du Scrabble en ukrainien a été commercialisée en 2010. Elle utilise l'alphabet cyrillique et compte 102 jetons.
<ul><li>0 point: <b>Jokers </b>×2</li>
<li><i>1 point</i>: <b>О</b> ×9, <b>А</b> ×8, <b>И</b> ×6, <b>Н</b> ×6, <b>В</b> ×5, <b>Е</b> ×5, <b>І</b> ×5, <b>Т</b> ×5</li>
<li><i>2 points</i>: <b>К</b> ×4, <b>Р</b> ×4, <b>С</b> ×4</li>
<li><i>3 points</i>: <b>Д</b> ×3, <b>Л</b> ×3, <b>М</b> ×3, <b>У</b> ×3</li>
<li><i>4 points</i>: <b>П</b> ×3, <b>З</b> ×2, <b>Я</b> ×2, <b>Ь</b> ×2</li>
<li><i>5 points</i>: <b>Б</b> ×2, <b>Г</b> ×2, <b>Ч</b> ×2, <b>Х</b> ×1</li>
<li><i>8 points</i>: <b>Є</b> ×1, <b>Ї</b> ×1, <b>Й</b> ×1, <b>Ж</b> ×1, <b>Ц</b> ×1, <b>Ш</b> ×1, <b>Ю</b> ×1</li>
<li><i>10 points</i>: <b>Ґ</b> ×1, <b>Ф</b> ×1, <b>Щ</b> ×1, <b>&#8205;'&#8205;</b> ×1</li></ul>
<p>Le signe d'apostrophe est également inclus, même s'il ne s'agit pas d'une lettre de l'alphabet ukrainien.
<h2><span id="Notes_et_r.C3.A9f.C3.A9rences"></span><span class="mw-headline" id="Notes_et_références">Notes et références</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;veaction=edit&amp;section=39" class="mw-editsection-visualeditor" title="Modifier la section : Notes et références">modifier</a><span class="mw-editsection-divider"> | </span><a href="/w/index.php?title=Lettres_du_Scrabble&amp;action=edit&amp;section=39" title="Modifier la section : Notes et références">modifier le code</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2>
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<li id="cite_note-1"><span class="mw-cite-backlink noprint"><a href="#cite_ref-1">↑</a> </span><span class="reference-text"><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Scrabble letton (Scrabble Latviski)</a></span>
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View File

@ -1,5 +1,39 @@
.PHONY: all
.PHONY: all lang board
ROOT_LANG = ../public/l10n
ROOT_BOARD = ../server/lang
POT = pot/board.pot
SPECIAL = br.json xk.json uk.json
all: lang board
node makejs.js
board: Lettres_du_Scrabble
-rm $(POT)
node make_board.js > $(POT)
make special
special: $(addprefix $(ROOT_BOARD)/,$(SPECIAL))
$(ROOT_BOARD)/br.json: tile-Breton.txt make_board.awk Makefile
$(ROOT_BOARD)/xk.json: tile-Klingon.txt make_board.awk Makefile
$(ROOT_BOARD)/uk.json: tile-Ukrainian.txt make_board.awk Makefile
$(addprefix $(ROOT_BOARD)/,$(SPECIAL)):
# board lang
cat $< | awk -f make_board.awk > $@
sed s/@LANG@/$(subst tile-,,$(<:.txt=))/ -i $@
sed s/@CODE@/$(subst $(ROOT_BOARD)/,,$(@:.json=))/ -i $@
# pot file
echo >> $(POT)
echo "msgid \"$(subst tile-,,$(<:.txt=))\"" >> $(POT)
echo "msgstr \"\"" >> $(POT)

l10n/code.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
* Copyright (C) 2020 Laurent Mazet <>
* @licstart
* This file is part of Trivabble.
* Trivabble is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (GNU AGPL)
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Trivabble is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with Trivabble. If not, see <>.
* @licend
* @source:
* @source:
module.exports = {
langFr: {
aa: "Afar",
ab: "Abkhaze",
ae: "Avestique",
af: "Afrikaans",
ak: "Akan",
am: "Amharique",
an: "Aragonais",
ar: "Arabe",
as: "Assamais",
av: "Avar",
ay: "Aymara",
az: "Azéri",
ba: "Bachkir",
be: "Biélorusse",
bg: "Bulgare",
bh: "Bihari",
bi: "Bichelamar",
bm: "Bambara",
bn: "Bengali",
bo: "Tibétain",
br: "Breton",
bs: "Bosnien",
ca: "Catalan",
ce: "Tchétchène",
ch: "Chamorro",
co: "Corse",
cr: "Cri",
cs: "Tchèque",
cu: "Vieux-slave",
cv: "Tchouvache",
cy: "Gallois",
da: "Danois",
de: "Allemand",
dv: "Maldivien",
dz: "Dzongkha",
ee: "Ewe",
el: "Grec",
en: "Anglais",
eo: "Espéranto",
es: "Espagnol",
et: "Estonien",
eu: "Basque",
fa: "Persan",
ff: "Peul",
fi: "Finnois",
fj: "Fidjien",
fo: "Féroïen",
fr: "Français",
fy: "Frison occidental",
ga: "Irlandais",
gd: "Écossais",
gl: "Galicien",
gn: "Guarani",
gu: "Gujarati",
gv: "Mannois",
ha: "Haoussa",
he: "Hébreu",
hi: "Hindi",
ho: "Hiri motu",
hr: "Croate",
ht: "Créole haïtien",
hu: "Hongrois",
hy: "Arménien",
hz: "Héréro",
ia: "Interlingua",
id: "Indonésien",
ie: "Occidental",
ig: "Igbo",
ii: "Yi",
ik: "Inupiak",
io: "Ido",
is: "Islandais",
it: "Italien",
iu: "Inuktitut",
ja: "Japonais",
jv: "Javanais",
ka: "Géorgien",
kg: "Kikongo",
ki: "Kikuyu",
kj: "Kuanyama",
kk: "Kazakh",
kl: "Groenlandais",
km: "Khmer",
kn: "Kannada",
ko: "Coréen",
kr: "Kanouri",
ks: "Cachemiri",
ku: "Kurde",
kv: "Komi",
kw: "Cornique",
ky: "Kirghiz",
la: "Latin",
lb: "Luxembourgeois",
lg: "Ganda",
li: "Limbourgeois",
ln: "Lingala",
lo: "Lao",
lt: "Lituanien",
lu: "Luba",
lv: "Letton",
mg: "Malgache",
mh: "Marshallais",
mi: "Maori de Nouvelle-Zélande",
mk: "Macédonien",
ml: "Malayalam",
mn: "Mongol",
mo: "Moldave",
mr: "Marathi",
ms: "Malais",
mt: "Maltais",
my: "Birman",
na: "Nauruan",
nb: "Norvégien Bokmål",
nd: "Sindebele",
ne: "Népalais",
ng: "Ndonga",
nl: "Néerlandais",
nn: "Norvégien Nynorsk",
no: "Norvégien",
nr: "Nrebele",
nv: "Navajo",
ny: "Chichewa",
oc: "Occitan",
oj: "Ojibwé",
om: "Oromo",
or: "Oriya",
os: "Ossète",
pa: "Pendjabi",
pi: "Pali",
pl: "Polonais",
ps: "Pachto",
pt: "Portugais",
qu: "Quechua",
rc: "Créole Réunionnais ",
rm: "Romanche",
rn: "Kirundi",
ro: "Roumain",
ru: "Russe",
rw: "Kinyarwanda",
sa: "Sanskrit",
sc: "Sarde",
sd: "Sindhi",
se: "Same du Nord",
sg: "Sango",
sh: "Serbo-croate",
si: "Cingalais",
sk: "Slovaque",
sl: "Slovène",
sm: "Samoan",
sn: "Shona",
so: "Somali",
sq: "Albanais",
sr: "Serbe",
ss: "Swati",
st: "Sotho du Sud",
su: "Soundanais",
sv: "Suédois",
sw: "Swahili",
ta: "Tamoul",
te: "Télougou",
tg: "Tadjik",
th: "Thaï",
ti: "Tigrigna",
tk: "Turkmène",
tl: "Tagalog",
tn: "Tswana",
to: "Tongien",
tr: "Turc",
ts: "Tsonga",
tt: "Tatar",
tw: "Twi",
ty: "Tahitien",
ug: "Ouïghour",
uk: "Ukrainien",
ur: "Ourdou",
uz: "Ouzbek",
ve: "Venda",
vi: "Vietnamien",
vo: "Volapük",
wa: "Wallon",
wo: "Wolof",
xh: "Xhosa",
yi: "Yiddish",
yo: "Yoruba",
za: "Zhuang",
zh: "Chinois",
zu: "Zoulou"
langEn: {
aa: "Afar",
ab: "Abkhazian",
ae: "Avestan",
af: "Afrikaans",
ak: "Akan",
am: "Amharic",
an: "Aragonese",
ar: "Arabic",
as: "Assamese",
av: "Avaric",
ay: "Aymara",
az: "Azerbaijani",
ba: "Bashkir",
be: "Belarusian",
bg: "Bulgarian",
bh: "Bihari",
bi: "Bislama",
bm: "Bambara",
bn: "Bengali",
bo: "Tibetan",
br: "Breton",
bs: "Bosnian",
ca: "Catalan",
ce: "Chechen",
ch: "Chamorro",
co: "Corsican",
cr: "Cree",
cs: "Czech",
cu: "Old Church Slavonic",
cv: "Chuvash",
cy: "Welsh",
da: "Danish",
de: "German",
dv: "Divehi",
dz: "Dzongkha",
ee: "Ewe",
el: "Greek",
en: "English",
eo: "Esperanto",
es: "Spanish",
et: "Estonian",
eu: "Basque",
fa: "Persian",
ff: "Fulah",
fi: "Finnish",
fj: "Fijian",
fo: "Faroese",
fr: "French",
fy: "Western Frisian",
ga: "Irish",
gd: "Scottish Gaelic",
gl: "Galician",
gn: "Guarani",
gu: "Gujarati",
gv: "Manx",
ha: "Hausa",
he: "Hebrew",
hi: "Hindi",
ho: "Hiri Motu",
hr: "Croatian",
ht: "Haitian",
hu: "Hungarian",
hy: "Armenian",
hz: "Herero",
ia: "Interlingua",
id: "Indonesian",
ie: "Interlingue",
ig: "Igbo",
ii: "Sichuan Yi",
ik: "Inupiaq",
io: "Ido",
is: "Icelandic",
it: "Italian",
iu: "Inuktitut",
ja: "Japanese",
jv: "Javanese",
ka: "Georgian",
kg: "Kongo",
ki: "Kikuyu",
kj: "Kwanyama",
kk: "Kazakh",
kl: "Greenlandic",
km: "Khmer",
kn: "Kannada",
ko: "Korean",
kr: "Kanuri",
ks: "Kashmiri",
ku: "Kurdish",
kv: "Komi",
kw: "Cornish",
ky: "Kirghiz",
la: "Latin",
lb: "Luxembourgish",
lg: "Ganda",
li: "Limburgish",
ln: "Lingala",
lo: "Lao",
lt: "Lithuanian",
lu: "Luba",
lv: "Latvian",
mg: "Malagasy",
mh: "Marshallese",
mi: "Māori",
mk: "Macedonian",
ml: "Malayalam",
mn: "Mongolian",
mo: "Moldavian",
mr: "Marathi",
ms: "Malay",
mt: "Maltese",
my: "Burmese",
na: "Nauru",
nb: "Norwegian Bokmål",
nd: "North Ndebele",
ne: "Nepali",
ng: "Ndonga",
nl: "Dutch",
nn: "Norwegian Nynorsk",
no: "Norwegian",
nr: "South Ndebele",
nv: "Navajo",
ny: "Chichewa",
oc: "Occitan",
oj: "Ojibwa",
om: "Oromo",
or: "Oriya",
os: "Ossetian",
pa: "Panjabi",
pi: "Pāli ",
pl: "Polish",
ps: "Pashto",
pt: "Portuguese",
qu: "Quechua",
rc: "Reunionese ",
rm: "Romansh",
rn: "Kirundi",
ro: "Romanian",
ru: "Russian",
rw: "Kinyarwanda",
sa: "Sanskrit",
sc: "Sardinian",
sd: "Sindhi",
se: "Northern Sami",
sg: "Sango",
sh: "Serbo-Croatian ",
si: "Sinhalese",
sk: "Slovak",
sl: "Slovenian",
sm: "Samoan",
sn: "Shona",
so: "Somali",
sq: "Albanian",
sr: "Serbian",
ss: "Swati",
st: "Sotho",
su: "Sundanese",
sv: "Swedish",
sw: "Swahili",
ta: "Tamil",
te: "Telugu",
tg: "Tajik",
th: "Thai",
ti: "Tigrinya",
tk: "Turkmen",
tl: "Tagalog",
tn: "Tswana",
to: "Tonga",
tr: "Turkish",
ts: "Tsonga",
tt: "Tatar",
tw: "Twi",
ty: "Tahitian",
ug: "Uighur",
uk: "Ukrainian",
ur: "Urdu",
uz: "Uzbek",
ve: "Venda",
vi: "Viêt Namese",
vo: "Volapük",
wa: "Walloon",
wo: "Wolof",
xh: "Xhosa",
yi: "Yiddish",
yo: "Yoruba",
za: "Zhuang",
zh: "Chinese",
zu: "Zulu"
// vim: noai:ts=4:sw=4

l10n/make_board.awk Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
bag = table = values = ""
table = table " " $0 "\n"
$1 == "-" { sub(/- /, "") }
/^[0-9]/ {
points = $1
sub(/.*:/, "")
gsub(/[×,]/, "")
for (i = 1; i<= NF; i+=2) {
lettre = $(i)
if (lettre == "blank") {
lettre = " "
nombre = $(i+1)
bag = bag " "
for (j = 0; j < nombre; j++) {
bag = bag " \"" lettre "\","
bag = bag "\n"
values = values " \"" lettre "\": " points ",\n"
sub(/..$/, "\n", bag)
sub(/..$/, "\n", values)
print "{\n \"code\": \"@CODE@\",\n \"name\": \"@LANG@\",\n"
#print " /*\n" table " */\n"
print " \"bag\": [\n" bag " ],\n"
print " \"letterValues\": {\n" values " }"
print "}"

l10n/make_board.js Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
// vim: noai:ts=4:sw=4
/* eslint-disable no-multi-str */
/* eslint-disable no-process-env */
/* eslint-disable no-sync */
const ROOT = process.env.ROOT_BOARD || ".";
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const code = require("./code");
const htmlText = fs.readFileSync("Lettres_du_Scrabble", {encoding: "utf-8"});
let lang;
let key;
let bag = "";
let values = "";
let nbJockers = 0;
for (const line of htmlText.split("\n")) {
/* Search language */
if (line.match(/<h2.*mw-headline/u)) {
/* Create previous language board definition */
if (bag.length > 1) {
bag = bag.slice(0, -2);
values = values.slice(0, -2) + "\n";
/* Pot file */
console.log("msgid \"" + lang + "\"");
console.log("msgstr \"\"");
/* Board file */
let file = "{\n";
file += " \"code\": \"" + key + "\",\n";
file += " \"name\": \"" + lang + "\",\n";
file += "\n";
file += " \"bag\": [\n" + bag + "\n ],\n";
file += "\n";
file += " \"letterValues\": {\n";
file += values;
file += " }\n";
file += "}\n";
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(ROOT, key + ".json"), file);
/* Get language name */
const regexpLang = /mw-headline"[^<]*">(?<lang>[^<]*)</gu;
lang = regexpLang.exec(line).groups.lang;
for (key in code.langFr) {
if (code.langFr[key] === lang) {
lang = code.langEn[key];
/* Empty bag */
bag = values = "";
nbJockers = 0;
/* Search tile */
if (line.match(/<li.*<\/li>/u) && (nbJockers < 2)) {
/* Search value */
const regexpValue = /i>(?<value>[^<]*) point/gu;
let value = regexpValue.exec(line);
if (value) {
value = value.groups.value;
/* Search letters */
const regexpTiles = /<b>(?<letter>[^<]*)<\/b> [^<]*<small>[×x](?<times>[^<,]*),*<\/small>/gu;
let matches;
const tiles = [];
while ((matches = regexpTiles.exec(line))) {
/* Create bag and values table */
for (let i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {
if (tiles[i].letter.length > 2) {
tiles[i].letter = " ";
if (nbJockers === 2) {
bag += " ";
for (let j = 0; j < tiles[i].times; j++) {
bag += " \"" + tiles[i].letter + "\",";
bag += "\n";
values += " \"" + tiles[i].letter + "\": " + value + ",\n";

l10n/po/br/board.po Normal file
View File

l10n/po/fr/board.po Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
msgid "Afrikaans"
msgstr "afrikaans"
msgid "German"
msgstr "allemand"
msgid "English"
msgstr "anglais"
msgid "Arabic"
msgstr "arabe"
msgid "Armenian"
msgstr "arménien"
msgid "Basque"
msgstr "basque"
msgid "Bulgarian"
msgstr "bulgare"
msgid "Catalan"
msgstr "catalan"
msgid "Croatian"
msgstr "croate"
msgid "Danish"
msgstr "danois"
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "espagnol"
msgid "Esperanto"
msgstr "espéranto"
msgid "Estonian"
msgstr "estonien"
msgid "Finnish"
msgstr "finlandais"
msgid "French"
msgstr "français"
msgid "Welsh"
msgstr "gallois"
msgid "Greek"
msgstr "grec"
msgid "Hebrew"
msgstr "hébreu"
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr "hongrois"
msgid "Irish"
msgstr "irlandais"
msgid "Icelandic"
msgstr "islandais"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "italien"
msgid "Latin"
msgstr "latin"
msgid "Latvian"
msgstr "letton"
msgid "Lithuanian"
msgstr "lituanien"
msgid "Malay"
msgstr "malais"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "néerlandais"
msgid "Norwegian"
msgstr "norvégien"
msgid "Polish"
msgstr "polonais"
msgid "Portuguese"
msgstr "portugais"
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "roumain"
msgid "Russian"
msgstr "russe"
msgid "Slovak"
msgstr "slovaque"
msgid "Slovenian"
msgstr "slovène"
msgid "Swedish"
msgstr "suédois"
msgid "Czech"
msgstr "tchèque"
msgid "Turkish"
msgstr "turc"
msgid "Breton"
msgstr "breton"
msgid "Klingon"
msgstr "klingon"
msgid "Ukrainian"
msgstr "ukrainien"

View File

@ -160,24 +160,6 @@ msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir de changer la langue du plateau à '{0}' ?
msgid "Board language:"
msgstr "Langue du plateau :"
msgid "English"
msgstr "Anglais"
msgid "French"
msgstr "Français"
msgid "German"
msgstr "Allemand"
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Espagnol"
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "Roumain"
msgid "Portuguese"
msgstr "Portuguais"
msgid "You changed the language of the board to {0}"
msgstr "Vous avez changé la langue du plateau en {0}"

l10n/po/ro/board.po Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
msgid "Afrikaans"
msgstr "afrikaans"
msgid "German"
msgstr "germana"
msgid "English"
msgstr "engleză"
msgid "Arabic"
msgstr "arabic"
msgid "Armenian"
msgstr "armean"
msgid "Basque"
msgstr "bască"
msgid "Bulgarian"
msgstr "bulgară"
msgid "Catalan"
msgstr "catalan"
msgid "Croatian"
msgstr "croat"
msgid "Danish"
msgstr "danez"
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "spaniolă"
msgid "Esperanto"
msgstr "esperanto"
msgid "Estonian"
msgstr "eston"
msgid "Finnish"
msgstr "finlandeză"
msgid "French"
msgstr "franceza"
msgid "Welsh"
msgstr "velșă"
msgid "Greek"
msgstr "greacă"
msgid "Hebrew"
msgstr "ebraică"
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr "maghiar"
msgid "Irish"
msgstr "irlandez"
msgid "Icelandic"
msgstr "islandeză"
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "italiană"
msgid "Latin"
msgstr "latin"
msgid "Latvian"
msgstr "letonă"
msgid "Lithuanian"
msgstr "lituanian"
msgid "Malay"
msgstr "malaezian"
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "olandeză"
msgid "Norwegian"
msgstr "norvegian"
msgid "Polish"
msgstr "polonez"
msgid "Portuguese"
msgstr "portugheză"
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "română"
msgid "Russian"
msgstr "rusă"
msgid "Slovak"
msgstr "slovacă"
msgid "Slovenian"
msgstr "sloven"
msgid "Swedish"
msgstr "suedez"
msgid "Czech"
msgstr "ceh"
msgid "Turkish"
msgstr "turc"
msgid "Breton"
msgstr "breton"
msgid "Klingon"
msgstr "klingoniană"
msgid "Ukrainian"
msgstr "ucrainean"

View File

@ -250,6 +250,3 @@ msgstr "{0} își arată suportul:"
msgid "You cannot take another tile: the bag is empty."
msgstr "Nu poți lua alt jeton: sacul este gol."
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "Română"

l10n/pot/board.pot Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
msgid "Afrikaans"
msgstr ""
msgid "German"
msgstr ""
msgid "English"
msgstr ""
msgid "Arabic"
msgstr ""
msgid "Armenian"
msgstr ""
msgid "Basque"
msgstr ""
msgid "Bulgarian"
msgstr ""
msgid "Catalan"
msgstr ""
msgid "Croatian"
msgstr ""
msgid "Danish"
msgstr ""
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr ""
msgid "Esperanto"
msgstr ""
msgid "Estonian"
msgstr ""
msgid "Finnish"
msgstr ""
msgid "French"
msgstr ""
msgid "Welsh"
msgstr ""
msgid "Greek"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hebrew"
msgstr ""
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr ""
msgid "Irish"
msgstr ""
msgid "Icelandic"
msgstr ""
msgid "Italian"
msgstr ""
msgid "Latin"
msgstr ""
msgid "Latvian"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lithuanian"
msgstr ""
msgid "Malay"
msgstr ""
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr ""
msgid "Norwegian"
msgstr ""
msgid "Polish"
msgstr ""
msgid "Portuguese"
msgstr ""
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr ""
msgid "Russian"
msgstr ""
msgid "Slovak"
msgstr ""
msgid "Slovenian"
msgstr ""
msgid "Swedish"
msgstr ""
msgid "Czech"
msgstr ""
msgid "Turkish"
msgstr ""
msgid "Breton"
msgstr ""
msgid "Klingon"
msgstr ""
msgid "Ukrainian"
msgstr ""

l10n/tile-Breton.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Breton-language Scrabble sets, created in 2008 as Skrabell, use these 100 tiles.
- 0 point: blank ×2
- 1 point: E ×14, A ×12, N ×9, R ×7, O ×6, T ×5, U ×5, I ×4, L ×4
- 2 points: D ×4
- 3 points: G ×3, S ×3, V ×3, H ×2
- 4 points: B ×2, K ×2, M ×2, Z ×2, ZH ×2, CH ×1, C'H ×1
- 5 points: P ×1
- 10 points: F ×1, J ×1, W ×1, Y ×1
C, Q, and X are absent because they are only used in loanwords or, in the case of C, the digraphs CH and C'H. However, these letters can be played with a blank. Diacritical marks are ignored.

l10n/tile-Klingon.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Klingon-language sets use these 100 tiles:
- 0 point: blank ×2
- 1 point: ʼ ×10, a ×10, e ×8, ɪ ×8, o ×6, u ×6, H ×5
- 2 points: j ×5, m ×5, D ×4, v ×4
- 3 points: l ×3, b ×2, ch ×2, gh ×2, n ×2, q ×2, S ×2
- 4 points: p ×2, t ×2
- 5 points: w ×2, y ×2
- 6 points: Q ×1, r ×1
- 8 points: tlh ×1
- 10 points: ng ×1
The letter tiles may show Klingon symbols (pIqaD), their renderings in the English alphabet, or both. This is not an official version of the game, although Hasbro did create their own licensed "Star Trek Scrabble" game in which players can receive bonus points by playing Klingon words. "Star Trek Scrabble" uses standard English-language tiles.

l10n/tile-Ukrainian.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
La version officielle du Scrabble en ukrainien a été commercialisée en 2010. Elle utilise l'alphabet cyrillique et compte 102 jetons.
- 0 point: Jokers ×2
- 1 point: О ×9, А ×8, И ×6, Н ×6, В ×5, Е ×5, І ×5, Т ×5
- 2 points: К ×4, Р ×4, С ×4
- 3 points: Д ×3, Л ×3, М ×3, У ×3
- 4 points: П ×3, З ×2, Я ×2, Ь ×2
- 5 points: Б ×2, Г ×2, Ч ×2, Х ×1
- 8 points: Є ×1, Ї ×1, Й ×1, Ж ×1, Ц ×1, Ш ×1, Ю ×1
- 10 points: Ґ ×1, Ф ×1, Щ ×1, ' ×1
Le signe d'apostrophe est également inclus, même s'il ne s'agit pas d'une lettre de l'alphabet ukrainien.

server/lang/af.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
"code": "af",
"name": "Afrikaans",
"bag": [
" ", " ",
"E", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E",
"A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A",
"I", "I", "I", "I", "I", "I", "I", "I",
"D", "D", "D", "D", "D", "D",
"N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N",
"O", "O", "O", "O", "O", "O",
"R", "R", "R", "R", "R", "R",
"S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S",
"T", "T", "T", "T", "T", "T",
"G", "G", "G", "G",
"H", "H", "H",
"L", "L", "L",
"K", "K", "K",
"W", "W", "W",
"M", "M",
"U", "U",
"Y", "Y",
"P", "P",
"V", "V",
"letterValues": {
" ": 0,
"E": 1,
"A": 1,
"I": 1,
"D": 1,
"N": 1,
"O": 1,
"R": 1,
"S": 1,
"T": 1,
"G": 2,
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server/lang/he.json Normal file
View File

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"ת", "ת", "ת", "ת", "ת", "ת", "ת", "ת", "ת",
"ה", "ה", "ה", "ה", "ה", "ה", "ה", "ה",
"ר", "ר", "ר", "ר", "ר", "ר", "ר", "ר",
"א", "א", "א", "א", "א", "א",
"ל", "ל", "ל", "ל", "ל", "ל",
"מ", "מ", "מ", "מ", "מ", "מ",
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"ד", "ד", "ד", "ד",
"נ", "נ", "נ", "נ",
"ב", "ב", "ב", "ב",
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"ק", "ק", "ק",
"ג", "ג",
"כ", "כ",
"ע", "ע",
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" ": 0,
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"ג": 5,
"כ": 5,
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"ז": 8,
"ט": 8,
"ס": 8,
"צ": 8

server/lang/hr.json Normal file
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"Ć": 5,
"F": 8,
"DŽ": 10,
"Đ": 10

server/lang/hu.json Normal file
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"Տ", "Տ", "Տ", "Տ", "Տ",
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server/lang/is.json Normal file
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"Ć": 6,
"Ń": 7,
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server/lang/ru.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
"code": "ru",
"name": "Russian",
"bag": [
" ", " ",
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"И", "И", "И", "И", "И", "И", "И", "И", "И", "И",
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"Н", "Н", "Н", "Н", "Н", "Н",
"Р", "Р", "Р", "Р", "Р", "Р",
"Т", "Т", "Т", "Т", "Т", "Т",
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"Л", "Л", "Л", "Л",
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"П", "П", "П", "П",
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"Я", "Я", "Я", "Я",
"Б", "Б", "Б",
"Г", "Г", "Г",
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" ": 0,
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"Ц": 5,
"Ч": 5,
"Ш": 8,
"Э": 8,
"Ю": 8,
"Ф": 10,
"Щ": 10,
"Ъ": 10

server/lang/sk.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
"code": "sk",
"name": "Slovak",
"bag": [
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"D", "D", "D",
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"J", "J",
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"F": 8,
"G": 8,
"Ň": 8,
"Ô": 8,
"Ĺ": 10,
"Ŕ": 10,
"X": 10,
"Ä": 10,
"Ó": 10

server/lang/sl.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
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"I", "I", "I", "I", "I", "I", "I", "I", "I",
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"R", "R", "R", "R", "R", "R",
"S", "S", "S", "S", "S", "S",
"J", "J", "J", "J",
"L", "L", "L", "L",
"T", "T", "T", "T",
"D", "D", "D", "D",
"V", "V", "V", "V",
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"Z", "Z",
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" ": 0,
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"M": 3,
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"G": 4,
"Z": 4,
"Č": 5,
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"Š": 6,
"C": 8,
"F": 10,
"Ž": 10

server/lang/sv.json Normal file
View File

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"name": "Swedish",
"bag": [
" ", " ",
"A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A",
"R", "R", "R", "R", "R", "R", "R", "R",
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"M", "M", "M",
"H", "H",
"Ä", "Ä",
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"B", "B",
"Ö", "Ö",
"P", "P",
"Å", "Å",
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" ": 0,
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"J": 7,
"Y": 7,
"C": 8,
"X": 8,
"Z": 10

server/lang/tr.json Normal file
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" ", " ",
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"N", "N", "N", "N", "N",
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"O", "O", "O",
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"U", "U", "U",
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"V": 7,
"Ö": 7,
"Ğ": 8,
"J": 10

server/lang/uk.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
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"name": "Ukrainian",
"bag": [
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"О", "О", "О", "О", "О", "О", "О", "О", "О",
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"И", "И", "И", "И", "И", "И",
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"Е", "Е", "Е", "Е", "Е",
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"У", "У", "У",
"П", "П", "П",
"З", "З",
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"Г", "Г",
"Ч", "Ч",
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"Ґ": 10,
"Ф": 10,
"Щ": 10,
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